Patel brown East | 184 munro St

Lido Pimienta | Hanging by the threads

November 20 - December 18 2021


Hanging by the Threads marks a reflection on a loving personal world filled with familiar faces who guide the way. Lido Pimienta fills the works with the colours and symbolic faces that remind her of her upbringing, and mark reflections of her personal memories inspired by childhood. Hanging by the Threads is Pimienta’s first solo show at Patel Brown Gallery, exhibiting at our Patel Brown East location at 184 Munro St.

“A recurring memory from my childhood is one when I was rocking back and forth with my mother inside a 'chinchorro' (wayuu word for hammock)-This hammock was in the middle of my grandmother's old room, right before she had to move to a new city. The house was empty, but this single chinchorro in this single bedroom rocked me and my mother, it was a tender moment I did not really have often with her, as she was always busy, always working and providing for her three children. I was too little to understand that this would be the last time I would visit my grandmother's house. All I remember are the threads. The threads of the chinchorro were pink, green, red, orange and black, some hints of yellow and blue...The sun came through the window and through the threads, making a kind of cross hatching pattern on my skin. My mother held my feet up and said 'oh wow! such pretty feet!' look how big you are! Look how pretty you are! - I felt seen and heard by my mother, who was the most important person to me at that moment in time.

In making the works for this occasion, I understood why the palette, why the textures, why my obsession with making Borlas Wayuu (commonly known as pom poms) and putting them everywhere. The faces are indigenous and black, the people that raised me. Big beautiful features and softest and brightness, all that I am.” - Lido Pimienta